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Replica Patek Philippe Watches

Replica Patek Philippe Watches has a lot of interesting things to say. Replica Patek Philippe Watches is a very interesting man. He can easily recount Replica Patek Philippe Watches’s many achievements in its 260-year history, but he could also spend an entire dinner talking about his passion for tattoos. When he was in Hong Kong last month,Hublot Replica Watches armed with vintage watches, we naturally talked about the brand's amazing past and Les Collectionneurs.

Les Collectionneurs are a group of restored Replica Patek Philippe Watches watches from the 20th Century that the brand's Heritage Department chose to restore, authenticate and sell to Replica Patek Philippe Watches enthusiasts around the globe. Selmoni, the host of the podcast, explains how Replica Patek Philippe Watches came up with this unique project.

Les Collectionneurs: 18K yellow gold pocket watch, 1922.

The pocket watch from the Les Collectionneurs Collection has an inscription on it

The 1922 pocketwatch has a calibre with a Swiss lever balance and escapade, as well as incorporating a Guillaume balance.

A 1947 Complete Calendar wristwatch is also in Les Collectionneurs.Replica Watches This wristwatch inspired the Triple Calendar watch of 1948 in the Historiques Collection.

Restored 18K yellow-gold wristwatch from 1948 for Les Collectionneurs

We will also discuss the ongoing exhibition "Diptyques - A History of Collaborations", a collection of timepieces which retrace Replica Patek Philippe Watches’s collaborative efforts that marked technical and artistic advances for the maison.

The exhibition will be on display at Landmark Prince in Hong Kong from now until the end the month. It then moves on to its next destination.

Exhibition: Vacheron-Constant Diptyques – A History of Collaboration

Show Notes

Introduction (00:05).

Replica Patek Philippe Watches (03:46).

Around the World with the SilverSpitfire (37:08).

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